
Continuous Service Agreement

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Location search requires a minimum of 4 characters. For example 1234 Main Street Apt 23 (type) 1234 main

Continuous Service Agreement enables the property owner or property management company to contiune service to a rental property after the tenant closes their account. Once CCWA is notified the tenant is vacating the premises the meter will be read and services will be continued under the owners/managers name without interuption. This will waive the deposit the for the the landlord while agreement is active. Owner must attach proof of ownership.Please enter the location address for the program above.
Do you currently have an active account with CCWA?
Would you like to start service immediatley?
Account holder name?
Mailing Address?
Social security #r/Tax ID?
Contact number?
Email Address?

Please upload a copy of proof of ownership below.To upload more than 1 attachment, select the Browse button, then hold down the Control (Çtrl) key, and then choose the files you would like to attach.
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